Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happiness Is In the Eye of the Beholder

Hello blog readers. Happy Joe here. Who is Happy Joe you ask? Happy Joe is a version of me that visits every so often who is easier going and more content that Regular Joe...his blander first cousin. Basically what I'm trying to say is that, "I'm feelin' good lately." Every now and then I get these spurts where everything seems OK. Now don't get me wrong. I still have all my same problems I always have: money, bills, etc The difference I believe is cognitive, and therefore I am fascinated by trying to figure out how to be this way every day. As a human, I'm sure permanent contentment will never be obtained, but, I still find it fun to try and figure out the Happy Joe visits. Currently, I attribute my euphoria to the following reasons:
1- the sun has been shining alot lately and the fall foilage is awesome
2- I really enjoy where I work, and, am doing nicely there...(if I may say)
3- I've got a great support system in my wife, daughter, and extended families
4- I'm going out for a good lunch with my girls today...(Erica and Rowan)
5- Had a great shift last night thanks in part to two awesome sports events: MNF and the World Series
6- I'm seeing my all time favorite band ever in my lifetime...DEVO...in Chicago in 10 days!!
7- November is my favorite month of the year, due mostly to containing my favorite holiday: Thanksgiving
8- My bills are paid up to date
9- I haven't gotten the flu...knock on a big friggin' piece of wood for that one
10- Holiday seasons are approaching. Not for the commercial reasons, but I love the music, the lights, the good cheer, the parties, the tv specials...I'm an admitted holiday sap. So sue me.
So there ya go. I think it's a good way to start a day when you can. Think of the little picture, and sometimes that'll make you forget about the bigger problem areas of the big picture. Doesn't cure anything, but, makes the rides and struggles of living a little more bearable. Always look on the bright side of life, and just keep livin'.

1 comment:

  1. Well hello Happy Joe! Good to hear you are in good spirits!
