Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twilight Rambler

So, let me begin by saying that this blog entry is in no way meant to bash anyone, their likes, etc. This is merely my ramblings on a hot entertainment topic of the day...the Twilight movies.
       I am not a fan, first. I have tried, and for some reason just can't appreciate Twilight....New Moon...etc. I am, a vampire fan in films and TV. Heck, I married a Buffy fanatic. I have seen every episode of Buffy as well as Angel. (The things we do for a little nookie). And, ...I enjoyed them for the most part...(give or take season 5 of Buffy and the entire storyline of Angel's son in Angel....I digress) I also, have been known in my time, to thoroughly enjoy a good romantic movie, as well as your so called "chic flics". So sue me. I recommend Beaches, Terms of Endearment, Thelma and Louise, When Harry Met Sally, etc etc etc ..... I went to Lilith Fair for Geez's sake!! OK.....that's my preemptive explanation before I'm bombarded with "Well, you just don't like vampires!!", or, "Well, you just can't appreciate a good romance!!"............I do and can.
         I think my dislike stems from a few observations. I ask anyone who can offer some enlightenment as to how I'm misguided to please comment. 1- Kristen Stewert--- come on people, I mean, can anyone tell me how this girl gets cast based on her "acting skill"?? I heard she's considering using two expressions in the 3rd movie. This may sound mean, but, I said the same thing after seeing her in "Adventureland." Blase. Is she cute?? Sure. 2- cat calls....I do not want to be present at any VAMPIRE movie where the audience hoots and hollers anytime a male vampire removes his shirt......when this is an occurence, it eliminates any chance whatsoever for an audience member to be "scared" at any point in the becomes, merely a "Made for Nikelodeon" in my mind .... I mean, what's in store for the third movie?? Miranda Cosgrove as a vamp??.......3-- this next thing baffles me. I have many friends and/or acquaintences that love these movies. I love my friends, but, I find it fascinating that MOST, not all, but most fall in two categories of age and sex: teenage girls, and women in their 30's.....this is not wrong, just interesting. I feel as if the movie's advertising has completely accepted the fact that most guys aren't going to get into this, therefore, more skin!! more skin!! more romance!! ... screw what the guys want..  4-- Twilight fans.....I would stop griping alot if you could at least admit that the movies are "fluff", rather than defending it as if it's "great movie making". come on, come on, you can do it....fess up, puberty isn't being the kindest to Dakota...there, I said's OK, you can say it. (fyi..I loved I Am Sam) I'm not trying to slam her, but, I feel adding her to this movie was intended to give it some sort of legitamacy in the acting category. It does a bit, but, Dakota, be careful girl....this can't be considered a step up from working with Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Julia Roberts, and Mel Gibson....can it?? 5-- Last gripe, the saturation of merchandise!! Stop already... I mean, I went Xmas shopping at Toys are us for Rowan, and they had a Twilight aisle!!
         OK. I feel better. I do want to say this, though. We all like different things for different reasons. That's what makes life interesting. I do not wish ill will towards the Twilight fans or phenomenon. I care deeply for many of them myself.If it makes that many people happy, then it serves a useful
purpose. I just wished in some way it appealed to me a little, only so the media overkill for it didn't incite me so much. I have tried. It just ain't gonna happy for me.

        Let me end by adding that I like alot of things that others hate. I laugh out loud at silly comedies like Anchorman and Happy Gilmore. I don't defend them as "quality" or "great movies", but, they fulfill a purpose for my psyche. My wife and family hate these movies. I have to rent them and watch them alone in the wee hours just to avoid group eye rolling. My favorite band of all time is DEVO. I can easily name you more of my Facebook friends who think DEVO is crap, then I could of those who like them. It's OK. We're all different.  I liked Ishtar. I did!! This movie appears on almost every critic's list of worst Hollywood bombs of all time. Know what?? I don't care, it made me laugh. ======  I'm ending with all of this babble so as to make sure that I'm not a hater. I'm perplexed, out of the "popular" circle currently, and, feeling the need to say something. I don't get it. For those who love these movies, I say, "I'm glad you have something that makes you happy." I'll be in the other room renting Year One with Jack Black and Michael Cera. I bet it's so bad I love it!!



  1. My pet peeve movie has always been 'Titanic'. Women love it. Not me. "But it's so romantic", the XXs respond. "The guy dies", is my reply.

    Why should I like that?

    Plus, I heard that damn Celine Dion tune on every single street in Shanghai being blasted through store speakers.


  2. Joe, I understand and you are so very entitled to voice your opinion.
    I happen to be one of those in-between people with this topic. My sister-in-law read the books about a year ago. Now, she has good taste in books. She had lent me several that I really enjoyed. But when she told me I just had to read this teeny-bopper book about sparkly vampires, I looked at her like she had sprouted a third arm. But I was unemployed at the time and eventually decided to read at least enough to have a solid discussion about why it sucked.
    The problem is, I really enjoyed it. . . once I got over the giltery vampires. That still really bothers me.
    I read all four books before Christmas. I felt a serious gilty pleasure about it, but there is no denying that I enjoy each of them.
    Then I heard about the movie. I was kind of excited. . . not enough to see it in the theater, but I rented it. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. My brother and I laughed out loud at the acting, "special" effects, and just sear riduculousness of the whole thing. He made me explain to him what was lost in translation from book to screen in order to restore his faith in my sanity.
    I had higher hopes for this second movie, but it sounds like it is still pretty aweful. I'm disappointed.

    On another note, I hate all the merch and Facebook posts and hooplah that is surrounding Twilight. It's a bad movie. The version in my head when I was reading it was at least a hundred times better. My Bella didn't look like she was constantly on Xanax. My Jacob was goofier. My Edward was far less douchey. AND most importantly, my movie had an interesting plot line that made sense. In my movie there were no Native American boys running around mostly naked for no reason.

    Okay, I'm done.
    I feel better.
