Monday, October 26, 2009

Six, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

Well, the kid's birthday party went well. I think kids and parents alike had a blast. The smashing of the guitar pinata was a highlight. Even after all the candy was taken, a few of the kids continued screaming "Rock and Roll!!" while continuing to cremate that poor, poor pinata. I attempted to lead Simon Sez with about 10 kids....mostly 5-7 years old. I'm not sure if there was too much sugar in they're blood to follow my direction, or, if they just really wanted to do anything I told them,but, pretty much every kid lost every round (6) simultaneously. Oh well. Limbo went much smoother. ... The new count is 4. That being the number of boyfriends/future husbands Rowan has chosen. She knows what she likes, that's for sure. One knows when they're her boyfriend. Being introduced as such while being dragged by the hand from room to room is a good first clue. Good luck to Aaron, Leo, Luke, and David.
Rowan got as many gifts as one has ever gotten without others creating a story about three wise guys, a stable, and a bright star to follow. I mean....wholly crap!!! Clothes, crafts, a two foot Cinderella castle with every princess figure, Nintendo DS with lots of games, myrh, frankencense, etc. We got most of it put in proper places, but............WHOLLY CRAP!!
We allowed Rowan to pick all the party music for a special mixed CD that everyone got a copy to take home. There's extras, if there's takers. (Parents with kids firts choice, of course) We made a CD cover with Ro's image. They turned out really cool. Songs range from The Beatles, Queen, and DEVO to Camp Rock, Spongebob, and iCarly. The kid loves her music, that's for sure. At one point during the party, while between songs on the "cranked up" mix, Rowan said disappointedly,"Ooohh...Daddy....we forgot to put Rolling Stones on the CD!". I am so proud.
Sunday we recooperated. Put stuff away, played games, watched movies,watched the Bears game (game used loosely), cleaned house, and basically had a classic "at home" family Sunday. Nice. These kind of weekends give me a perma grin good for a couple of days at least.


  1. Thanks for Sharing Joe - Now we can check in Short form ( Facebook) - to see when your long form ( blog) rants are up. Well done , chap..

  2. I wish I had that kind of relationship with my dad!!! Maybe then I wouldn't date douche-bags. But seriously, you seem like an amazing dad :)

  3. That was one of the best kid parties I've ever been to- you guys really worked hard to make this a special thing for Rowan- and it was a hit! I thought you guys were very creative with all the details- the CD was a brilliant touch. Thanks again for having us and I hope Rowan doesn't break Aaron's heart too badly!
